What is GDP, how is it measured and why does it matter?

What is GDP, how is it measured and why does it matter? Many of us hear the term GDP more often in news and other analysis. GDP is an important tool to measure how an economy is doing. However, how many of us understand what GDP is, How is it measured, and why it is …

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Foreign Direct Investment –An Overview

Foreign Direct Investment –An Overview Welcome to another Back to School article. It’s been long time to get some basic topics to get refreshed. For any Economy Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the important factor for their economic growth. FDI helps Indian economy to create more jobs along with developing technological know-how and …

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Differences between CBDCs, Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins

Differences between CBDCs, Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins Main Points of the Article Many Countries are thinking to bring the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This article will explain you about Major Differences between CBDCs, Cryptocurrencies and Stablecoins. Some may know about Cryptocurrencies, but, not of CBDCs. The main differences is CBDCs is issued and backed by …

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A Small Note on Potential GDP and Output Gap

A Small Note on Potential GDP and Output Gap Welcome Back to Basics.  Many times we come across the term Potential GDP and Output Gap in many of the articles. They would state that Potential GDP has increased or Output gap has widened, but what exactly is the Potential GDP or Output Gap is. What …

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What is Recession? – An Overview

What is Recession – An Overview Welcome Back to Basics.  What is Recession? There is no standard definition for Recession. It is generally defined has period of decline in economic activity consecutively for two quarters. In simple, fall in Real (inflation-adjusted) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two consecutive quarters is called Recession. The rule of …

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Fiscal Balance – A Small Note

Fiscal Balance – A Small Note Welcome Back to Basics.  What is fiscal Balance?   The balance of a government’s tax revenues (plus any proceeds from asset sales) minus government spending is called fiscal balance. This is also called as Government Budget Balance, Public budget balance, or Public fiscal balance (for convenient purpose let us keep …

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Kautilya’s and Adam Smith’s Canon of Taxation. Kautilya – The True Founder of Economics

Kautilya’s and Adam Smith’s Canon of Taxation. Kautilya – The True Founder of Economics Kautilya alias Vishnu Gupta (who is famously known as Chanakya) was an Indian politician, strategist and writer. He is well known for his text “ARTHASHASTRA”. He lived during 350 BC-275 BC. Adam Smith, Father of Economics, is well known for his …

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Are Subsidies Bad?

Are Subsidies Bad? Welcome Back to Basics.  We all come across the term subsidies more often. But, what it is? What is its main objective? Are there any economic effects due to subsidy and is it good or bad? We will find out here.  1. What is a Subsidy? What are the main Objectives of Subsidies? Answer: …

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